
About DigiFunds

DigiFunds began in 2022 with a mission to democratize access to funding and unlock new means of raising capital for businesses. Traditional capital fundraising has its limitations, and DigiFunds is providing a new source of funding for businesses founded on transparency and accessibility.

Anil Valbh, the founder of DigiFunds, experienced firsthand the limitations of traditional fundraising when working in the real estate industry. Time and time again, businesses would be hindered by a lack of access to sufficient funding, making their venture unviable. DigiFunds is providing a solution to high-potential startups with its digital funding model by providing companies with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) through digital assets.

The DigiFunds platform is a fair and transparent digital economy that brings benefits for everyone, including businesses, investors, and the economy.

Expert Member

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Ken Zonmson
CEO & Funder

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Kayron Polard
Asst. Officar

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Kalin Jameser
Web Designer

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